November 6, 2010

Happy Carl Sagan Day!

For those of you who don't know who Carl Sagan is, find out now.  He is a scientist who wanted the world to know how beautiful the intricacies of the universe are, and was willing to share the information.  He was brilliant, prolific in writing and in television production, and one of two men that Asimov admitted surpassed his own knowledge.  Essentially, a scientist and an intellectual badass.

To have a small celebration to a day that has almost ended, I think a remix complete with autotune and philosophical ideas should do the trick.


  1. One of the big honors of my life was briefly meeting him (just shook his hand) back when I was in university. He gave a lecture, and I was one of the ushers.

    Awesome guy.

  2. Everyone should see Cosmos, particularly gamers.
