October 2, 2010

Writing Plans

Sadly, there is no DnD game today.  Scheduling and finding a room seemed to be super annoying.  However, as soon as I have taken my usual hit of Sims 3 for the day (seriously, this phase is going on for a while) I am going to sit and write. Ah Writing.

The problem with writing is just that its very long term, and you don't get the immediate fulfillment you get with a lot of other things these days.  Even this blog gives me a short term goal that's easy to reach, rather than just a long term goal of finishing a book and getting it published.

So for now, I am going to list my writing goals for the next couple few months.

1) Four blog posts a week.

I am finding that a good number of people are actually following this blog and reading what I write.  I find it flattering.  Thanks everyone!  It's also great practice for writing.  A mantra of Stephen King is "A writer's a writer's a writer", meaning a good writer should be able to write anything.  The blog is good practice in that it forces me to write something that's not fiction.  Sometimes I actually write something that's an essay, or a humor piece.  It keeps me varied.

2) Finish the first book of my trilogy this month

I write, right now, on average a chapter every two months.  ANNOYING.  It's going too slow considering that the best ideas come half the time while I'm writing this, the other half is through random experiences that I can't predict.  I'm going to bunker down and actually write this thing.  Sure, this isn't to have a final copy to allure agents and publishers with.  I really just need to get the first part of the trilogy down on paper, and then go back and edit it later.  Also, there's another reason to chuck this thing out by the end of October...

3) Write "Consent" for NaNoWriMo

November is National Novel Writing Month, and I think I'm going to do it.  Just going to buckle in there and write.  I have a story in mind that hasn't evolved much since I last wrote it, and in fact I have some of it written but I'm just going to write it again anyway to see how I've changed.  "Consent" is actually the story where my Changeling LARP character comes from.  It's a complicated tale and it really  isn't a huge universe I want to shape unlike my trilogy (I have years of writing planned for that stuff).  So it's perfect for November.  50,000 words in 30 days.  I'll take that as a challenge

4) Explore "DeWitt on Titania"

For those of you who were nice enough to read my piece base on a R.K. Milholland picture, I'm afraid it was the start of something major.  Not as major as my trilogy world, but something close.  I keep on thinking of that world, and how it's different and the ideas in that story that I could extrapolate on.  Over time I want to make a series of short stories about Titania, and possibly continue on with pictures inspiring me.  It's exploring the idea of a dystopia, something that I think Brave New World has already mastered so I fear I will never get close to that brilliance.  But that doesn't mean I can't write some more. It might be something I try to self-publish online.  I don't know, I will keep you all tuned in.

5) Remember my plays

I have two play ideas, one that is finished, had the reading, and needs some editing.  The other his only a couple scenes in, but I want to go back to it, especially since it's inspired by a Lady Gaga song.  I get inspired by music and art, what's wrong with that?  Regardless, I can't forget my plays.  Considering the great reception I got from my small reading, I got to continue.

6) Focus on those first five things.

I can become easily distracted when it comes to my goals.  I know I can.  Hell is my brain--having a 1,000 ideas and not enough initiative to start one.  I hate doing it but to get better I have to admit it's a problem I have.  I think I'm going to get some friends of mine to keep my butt in gear.  I know the Boyfriend will nag me about writing if I ask him to.  I have a couple other friends who can help out every once in while.  But I can't let another idea replace these five.  I have enough work on my hands as it is.

Wish me luck!

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